The Online Spark

Type of search Enignes


A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web. Popular examples of search engines are Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Search. …


The last type of search engine is the meta search engine, which pulls results from multiple sources. 

There are 7 types of search engines:-

                                                                      General, Vertical, Hybrid, Meta search, Web Search, Image Search, and Video Search Engines.

Vertical Search Engine

1. General Search Engines: These type of search engine develop their own indexes and board ranks web pages based on their content for a wide range of topics. Some are easier to search and provide better results than the other once. The most popular general-purpose search engines are Google(The best and most used search engine), Yahoo, and Bing.

2. Vertical Search Engine: These type of search engine specialize in a particular type of content. Vertical search engines are often used to find specific types of information, such as images, videos, news, or product reviews. Some popular vertical search engines include Google Images(The best and most used search engine), YouTube, and Amazon.

Vertical Search Engine

3. Hybrid Search Engine: These type of search engine is a technique that combines multiple search algorithms to improve the accuracy of search results for the users. This means that the search engine can use different techniques and method to find the best results for a problem faced by any user.

The advantage of using a HYBRID search engine is that it can find results that any other search cannot find or may miss to get the best result or solution for the users. For example, if one search engine only looks at websites and the other one only looks for the images, Hybrid search engine can look at both at same time to find the best results, with less consumption of time. This is the main advantage and speciality of HYBRID search engines. 

These kind of search engines are usually divided in two parts:  

  • A Crawler 
  • An Indexer

The Crawler finds new content for the user, where the Indexer keeps track of all the content that has been found any how. Together, these two parts ensure that the Hybrid search engine has the most up-to-date information possible for the user to get every single information.

4. Meta Search Engine: These type of search engine aggregates results from multiple other search engines and presents them to the user in a single list to keep the users up-to-date.

 Metasearch engines are often used to help the user to the compare results from different general-purpose or vertical search engines. Some popular metasearch engines include Dogpile and MetaCrawler. 

5. Web Search Engines: These type of search engines are the most common type of search engine. They only allow users to search for websites by keyword or phrase or with the help if any other content. The results of a web search are typically a list of websites that match the user’s query or according to the user’s requirement.

6. Image Search Engines: These type of search engines only allow users to search for the Image’s by keyword or phrase or with the help if any other content. The results of an image search are typically a list of images that match the user’s query or according to the user’s requirement..


7. Video Search Engines: These type of search engines allow users to search for videos by keyword or phrase or with the help if any other content. The results of a video search are typically a list of videos that match the user’s query or according to the user’s requirement..


However, it’s essential to remember that not all the metasearch engines are created equally, and some others may only include results from sources that pay to be included. 


This article helped clear up some of the confusion surrounding search engines in the Internet world. As you can see, there are various search engines, each with its own different benefits and demerits. 

The best way to figure out which type of search engine is right for your needs is to experiment with each one and see which produces the best results for you to grab the exact information required by you.


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